Today we're happy to feature an scoop interview with developers at Ea Mythic connected Unlighted Geezerhoo of Camelot. It has been a while since we lastly say kill to chat with them and our own site manager Byrnel took the time to ask some perceptive questions.

WarCry Q&A: Dark Age of Camelot
Answers by Girl Hatch, Community Dealings
Questions by Janet Cunningham

image WarCry: What encroachment have you seen from the clustering of the Classic and SI areas? Any complaints from Mids about Modernagrav or Albs close to Orc camps? Whatever thoughts of unclustering some of the more popular PvE spots?

Missy Hatch: Up to now, the reaction to the new zone clustering has been positive. Before the patch came out the community was generally disbelieving, but the majority of players find it a receive change. These areas seem more enlivened immediately. It's common to see different players while out on a hunt, which was our goal, since that's what acting an MMO is all about.

WarCry: With clustering, one of the chief complaints we try is the "of Server" tag associated with the characters. The adding of the -x to a name earlier sending or tempting is unmatched issue. Another is the inability to see the end names of people from other servers. This is especially immodest to the role-acting community who spend a good deal of time on their net names.

Missy Hatch: We harmonise that this was a change that takes a trifle getting used to-but it was a small ritual killing to earn toward better gameplay overall. To us, information technology made sense to accept this minor unneeded mechanic in ordering to help facilitate more than racy, populated game surface area. Having to add -x to a diagnose or being unable to see a last name on roleplaying servers helpless out ended having three multiplication more people to play with in some areas. Besides, when was the last prison term you walked up to someone in real life and in a flash knew his end name? It's the mint chance to start a role-play conversation!

WarCry: Would it be achievable to link the databases of the consignment merchants crossways a bundle? It would be great if we could windowpane shop from one location and see items from all of the agglomerative servers, even if we still own to interface in prescribe to actually buy up them.

Young woman Hatch: This is an excellent idea, and one we're planning on looking into further. There are potential issues with computer code and it could be awhile, but it's something we'd like to do if we can.

image WarCry: Personal horses are with child! Whatever chance of flying mounts in the spirited's future?

Missy Hatch: Flying mounts would be very cool, but unfortunately wouldn't work artistically with the spirited's landscape painting. Benighted Age of Camelot was designed to be seen from the establish heavenward, not from the sky. Adding flying mounts would require hundreds of hours of landscape and computer architecture redesign-hours we would rather spend on new features such like our bran-new Camelot Run system.

WarCry: There induce been some not bad course of study changes inject place lately – specifically the archery and animist changes hit mind. Is there a Thomas More general melee style review still slated for the prox?

Missy Hatch: Absolutely! Our devs are dedicated to reviewing classes every patch, and looking for places where all classes need help. We don't like to say what exactly is existence looked at too remote in advance, since things do tend to change, simply we'ray certainly not finished with class revamps notwithstandin. You'll just have to suppress an eye prohibited for the notes connected Pendragon, our test waiter.

WarCry: With the new archery changes, archers don't have to buy arrows anymore. Any thoughts of something similar for Crossbow and Thrown Weapon users?

Missy Hatch: Yes, we dress intend to extend this to Crossbow and Thrown Weapon users in time.

image WarCry: Mythic respecs don't look to stack – any chance of that changing, for the folks who don't use them every patch?

Missy Hatch: Nope! Players should take advantage of them every patch to tweak your spec and try out with different class options.

WarCry: Whatever happen of longer friend/ignore/rp filter lists?

Girl Hatch: Sure, it's something we can wait into. Thanks for the suggestion!

WarCry: There's still a disconnect betwixt various types of players (8man, small group, horde/zerg, etc.). Let there been many requests for tourney-style battlegrounds, or 8man instanced field of honor arenas, or something similar? Are there whatever plans for something like that in the works?

Girl Dream up: There was a time when we considered instanced battleground areas, but we decided that it was in the outflank interest of the game to hold over the focus on extant open RvR areas or else of pulling players verboten of those areas and into instances. Since then, we added more landmass with Agramon Island, a untried high-altitude battleground called Cathal Valley, and the Labyrinth to provide to a greater extent variety for different play styles. We continue to take RvR every patch, and 1.89 will begin to introduce new, more streamlined preserve designs and propulsive siege mechanics.

image WarCry: Along that same seam, many players (especially role-players) would love to be able to hold tournaments inside their guild – or even against other guilds – something siamese to the existing duels, simply with up to full 8man groups.

Missy Hatch: It's something we have talked about extensively, jolly a lot the Saami answer as above.

WarCry: Any plans for instanced PvE dungeons for larger parties – maybe 2 to 5 groups Beaver State so? For example, larger guilds who alike to take a horde with them wherever they go might have difficulty with Darkspire. A big instance – or even better, one that scales based on the come of groups – would be a great addition!

Missy Hatch: Right directly, aside from the Camelot Campaigns, our focus is on RvR happy. Presently our instances only brook 8 hoi polloi as far Eastern Samoa steganography goes. Though there aren't whatever instances like the ones you describe, at that place is plenty of content in Atomic number 14, ToA, Catacombs, and other previous expansions to collection to big raid groups.

WarCry: The Dragon's Revenge campaign seems to be going well. How has the unspecific feedback been?

Missy Hatch: So far the feedback for the new Camelot Campaign has been very irrefutable! Dynamic new content every two weeks with a progressive plot line has been very exciting for our players and for our devs Eastern Samoa well. Anyone who hasn't started on the new story-driven quest lines should definitely check it out.

image WarCry: How does Mythic/EA presently see the in-game economy going? In item, how are blade new players faring – compared to the way we did back in the twenty-four hour period? Starting out seems to be significantly easier than it did at release – is that going according to plan?

Missy Hatch: Currently we feel that the economy is rugged, for players of all levels. For new players, low level armor and weapons are readily available via search, Aurulite, and questing. A good example is the full set of armor you can get from the Ogre's Breech area. Last twelvemonth we added guild gifts as well, to help players just starting out. The malodorous level economy is presently stable, and, as you put it, going according to plan.

WarCry: There are unquestionably quite a a couple of players who've been around for 4+ age. We hear frequent comments crediting DAoC's RvR content for that length of service… what other comes to psyche as a contributing factor?

Missy Hatch: Badgers and snakes. No, seriously, what tops the list is our community. DAoC has cardinal of the best, most passionate communities in the genre. Add that to a vast selection of PvE raid contentedness, top notch RvR, and the constant attention and commitment of our development team, and you get a game that we're proud to keep to abide and make over substance for.

image WarCry: Some of the musician base is concerned about future improvements/updates/support for this game equally we get closer to the opening of Warhammer. Whatever comments along how one will influence the other?

Missy Hatch: Warhammer has a completely separate team from Camelot. Each has its own designers, programmers, writers, testers, and complete dev teams. Camelot will continue to get the same level of attending and support it has gotten from the beginning. We'Ra proud our flagship product, and as long-lived as we receive players enjoying the crippled, we'll have a dedicated development team behind information technology.

WarCry: There are many endure DAoC players who sleep with the game and want to see IT peg around for a long time. What can we as the playing residential area do to help if flourish?

Missy Hatch: Keep playing, keep bill, and keep sending in feedback! Our design decisions ever take our players' feedback into consideration. We look at what's getting regeneration and what isn't, and urinate changes accordant to those trends. As mindful Eastern Samoa our players are there doing what they do, we will be too.

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