Can a Passenger Drink Alcohol in a Car Uk

  1. I'm on a T-total at the moment and drove round a mates house and they all get on the beers and they decide they wanna go to town. So i offer to give them a lift to town on my way home. As we come out of my friends house there's 2 police cars parked outside. We all pile in the car (my friends are obviously drunk) and the police car follows us (no surprise).

    But i was wondering. All my friends were drinking in the car - is that legal even though i'm not drinking? It's a stupid question i should know the answer to, but hey, it's better to ask and to know than stay ignorant and get caught for something stupid.

    [email protected]*nG

  2. I can't see why it would be illegal.
  3. Don't think so. I had a drunk mate in the back of my car once. As I was taking her home the police followed us to her house. When I got out they said nothing about it.
  4. i know for a fact its not illegal in a limosine - as for a car, its ill advised because you are gonna get pulled over if seen regardless if your drinking or not

    then you might get done for - not wearing a seatbelt, and if you dont have all your papers on you - you will then need to go to a police station, then theres the hassle of taking a breathaliser, etc and all the questions their gonna ask you

  5. My rule is no drinking in the car (alcoholic anyway)

    Just causes mess tbh.

  6. As far as I was aware, it was illegal, well that's the rule me and my friends go by. so basically, no drinking alcohol in each other's cars. :)


  7. It's perfectly legal. You don't have to be sober to be a passenger, wtf is wrong with you lot? You can be as ****** as you want in a car, as long as you don't have the keys.

    No swearing

  8. What Akira said...

    Otherwise how the hell to taxi drivers make a living?!

  9. ****** as you like is different from drinking though, I don't mind drunk people, but refuse to allow people with alcohol they are drinking in my car. As far as I'm bothered it's illegal, shuts people up and stops them drinking in the car (if you tell them it is illegal). :)

    No swearing

  10. I was driven to Glastonbury Festival in the back of a Merc and got slowly drunk with friends.

    What a ride!

  11. I just remember this scene from some US movie where it's illegal to have open containers of alcohol in the car, no matter who's holding em.

    But then again, that's just the US and just a film :(.
    I don't know.

  12. Well it isn't. If you don't like it, just say so.
  13. You're right, there are states where it is illegal to carry opened booze in a car, it's to stop people getting around the drink-driving laws by saying it wasn't theirs etc. Not here though.
  14. Dumb and Dumber?? :p
  15. It's fine. It's also legal to drink whilst driving a car as long as you aren't over the limit afaik.
  16. awesome you answered the question i was going to ask!


  17. Yep! I watched that film for the first time in years today, quite a coincidence! Love the sheepdog-mobile :p
  18. Well actually, you aren't meant to eat or drink anything whilst driving.
  19. cool, cheers guys.

    I knew it was ok to take drunk people, but was asking about people actively drinking while you drive them. i've confirmed that it IS legal for people to consume alcohol while a sober person drives. However, it can be at the Police's disgression if a passenger is so drunk as to be a distraction to a driver, and be dangerous.

    As far as consuming alcohol while you drive if under the limit.. i just wouldn't go there :)

    [email protected]*nG

Can a Passenger Drink Alcohol in a Car Uk


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